Europe has sidelined itself as peacemakers on its own soil. However, hopefully, there is hope for the proud Europeans, and where there is also room for the Russian and Ukrainian people and where the British and the United Kingdom rejoin the EU.
As the situation stands, we are in a scenario where nation-states must showcase their own identity, and we must set aside NATO and the EU for a moment. NATO is a defensive alliance meant to protect its members and nothing else. NATO should not be involved in various conflicts that the USA believes the alliance should partake in. When it comes to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, both countries seek security guarantees. Ukraine has clearly expressed a desire for the USA to be part of this alliance. When it comes to the EU, it is a large and heavy organization with conflicting interests. Therefore, for the time being, it is the nation-states that must step up and where heads of state and foreign ministers, along with the UN, should plan the future peace in Europe, with the USA also playing a significant role.
In 2023, I began developing a format or platform that could serve as a foundation for upcoming peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. Initially, there was a model with a format of 12 countries plus Russia and Ukraine. Then, a format of 15-2, involving only countries bordering Russia. The USA was not included.
But today, I must admit, that was naive, especially considering the significant help the country has provided to Ukraine. Now, the new format is 16-2, as you can see here, with a follow-up group of other countries and organizations.

However, when it comes to the USA, which no longer favors us, the nation-states and the EU may find themselves losing momentum if we do not stand firm with pride. Most of us have looked up to the USA, its flags, and have played with toys bearing American logos and planes, etc. America was number one in most people’s minds. But their arrogance, self-absorption, and condescension cannot go unanswered. They wish to focus on America, and it wasn’t long ago that only a few had passports, and they had little interest in visiting other continents. This has increased in recent years. They do not share intelligence unless they receive something in return; they have their nose deeply in our cables.
Naturally, we must establish an EU intelligence service, EIA.

For the EU and Europe to withstand the intense tensions and the emergence of other rapidly growing economies, significant changes in the way society is managed are necessary, including increasing education and R&D and reducing the public sector.
I understand that the USA says it cannot bear such a large military burden to protect us when the debt per American is $93,000, EU $35,000, and Russia $2,500 per capita. “Copilot”

Upcoming Peace Negotiations We should not beg to join the negotiating table but adopt the most sensible strategy, similar to how it is done in the Danish labor market.
There is a negotiator who calls the parties to exploratory meetings, informative meetings, and direct negotiations. It makes no sense to place Russia and Ukraine opposite each other without international mediators.

I have previously suggested Istanbul, and now that there is much talk about a head of state leading future peace negotiations, it is also natural to ask Angela Merkel if she would participate as one of the chief negotiators. She speaks German, as the President of Russia also does, and she speaks Russian, which both presidents and their negotiators understand. Angela Merkel has good experience negotiating at the top level, and she is highly skilled and thorough.
I asked the American AI model what it thought about negotiating peace between Ukraine and Russia without including the EU countries and Ukraine. Here is the answer:
Do you think it is sensible for the USA and Russia to discuss Ukraine without including Europe and Ukraine themselves? Do you think anything constructive will come out of it? Isn’t it quite arrogant?
This is a very relevant question. It clearly seems strange and perhaps even arrogant for the USA and Russia to discuss Ukraine without Ukraine and Europe being directly involved.
The Logic Behind It The USA’s rationale for initiating these talks is likely that, as a global superpower, they feel a responsibility to attempt to find a solution to the conflict. They see themselves as a kind of mediator who can try to get the parties to talk. Russia, on the other hand, is probably interested in showing that they are still a relevant player on the international stage and that they are not entirely isolated despite sanctions.
The Problem The problem, of course, is that it is Ukraine’s future being discussed. It is their country that is invaded, and it is their population that is suffering. Therefore, it is deeply problematic that they are not at the table when their fate is being decided. The same applies to Europe, which is deeply involved in the conflict both economically and politically. After all, it is the neighbors who potentially bear the brunt of the consequences and the refugee flows.
The Risk There is a risk that such talks could lead to an agreement that is not in Ukraine’s best interest. It could also create division and mistrust between Ukraine and its allies if they feel overlooked. Therefore, it is crucial that Ukraine and Europe are included in all negotiations about Ukraine’s future. Nothing should be negotiated about Ukraine without Ukraine.
The Alternative A more sensible alternative would be for the USA and Russia, instead of meeting behind closed doors, to work towards creating a format where Ukraine and all relevant European countries can participate in meaningful negotiations. This is the only way to achieve a sustainable and just solution to the conflict.

Conclusion While it is positive that there is a dialogue between the USA and Russia, it is crucial that Ukraine and Europe are included in all negotiations about Ukraine’s future. It is their right, and it is the only way to ensure lasting peace.
Europe needs to rethink its security and defense policy
To me, you seem somewhat tone-deaf. I cannot outline all the psychological aspects behind the current conflict with Russia and the European leaders’ responses here.
But it is obvious that the Russian leaders are dissatisfied with the circumstances they faced, and I am not just referring to the current Ukraine conflict but generally how they were received after transitioning from communism in 1991 to establishing a new market mechanism in the country and their strong desire for cooperation and trade.

You do not understand that the Russian people desire trade and interaction with all of Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world. I visited a Russian school where children were learning languages, and even though they were young, they were engaged in intensive language training because they wanted to become tour guides.
Russia has never attacked NATO, but of course, we must arm ourselves, be prepared, and show due diligence. However, continually asserting that Russia will attack us within a few years seems peculiar and unfounded. To what end would they do it? You will not achieve peace and stability by isolating or belittling Russia and the Russian people; this should be obvious.
Our primary focus should be on helping the Ukrainian people and providing them with the security guarantees they seek.
If we can unite to achieve peace and stability in Europe, it is essential to restart the European growth engine to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine. This involves cooperation among all countries and includes engaging Russia in modern trade on equal footing with Ukraine.
Russia had some clear goals. They do not want troop build-up at their borders and military equipment whose contents they are unaware of. They do not want NATO’s encirclement to continue and expand. These are entirely legitimate wishes. We also need to intensify cooperation on arms inspection and establish demilitarized zones in Europe, both on land, at sea, and in the air, to de-escalate the current situation.
Russia also wants to maintain a Black Sea fleet in the future, as they have had for over 200 years. They also wish to remain present on the Crimean Peninsula, a well-known Russian resort area. The question is how the future will unfold and how Ukrainians and Russians can coexist on the Crimean Peninsula.

They also want the Russians living in the former Soviet republics and Ukraine to have minority rights regarding language and culture. They also seek greater autonomy for selected eastern regions in Ukraine, where many Russians live, such as Luhansk and Donetsk. They also strongly desire no foreign troops on Ukrainian soil in peacetime. They have expressed this from day one, and it may be addressed in future peace negotiations. However, considering their claim to incorporate more Ukrainian regions, it will likely be very challenging for the Ukrainian people to include this in future peace talks.
When discussing the great powers, Russia and the USA, they have always had the right to speak and exchange ideas about future cooperation without other countries interfering or feeling offended. But as is clearly evident, they cannot negotiate peace on behalf of another country.
I just read in the Danish newspaper that the USA has a fantastic diplomat who can also contribute to the peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. This refers to the businessman Steve Witkoff, who is also a good friend of the American President Donald Trump. This is fantastic news to wake up to, that the USA also has a skilled negotiator and businessman at the table.
I have previously mentioned that it should also be the countries bordering Russia that are present at the negotiating table. Here, China is an important player for the international community, as a very significant peace mediator, and who also has a good relationship with Russia and has wished to remain neutral in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
We must hope that the upcoming peace negotiations, which the USA has now stated that both Ukraine and EU countries will participate in, bear fruit and bring hope to the Russian and beleaguered Ukrainian people for better times and peace and stability in Europe.