As the situation stands, it seems that people and countries outside Europe are about to take the lead. Europe, with a population of over 700 million people, must stand on its own two feet and be able to cooperate in the future.
The current situation is unbearable, and it is obvious that a new foundation must be established where the EU continues to play a significant role.
But unless the nation states also appear more clearly, we have neither the will nor the ability to defend ourselves. There is no feeling for the EU and understanding for the institution’s “ability to perform”.
With an understandable popular shift to the right, the security foundation must also to a far greater extent rest on the individual governments and direct talks between heads of state, foreign ministers and defense ministers.
We also know that the US cannot continue to take out loans to finance their and our defense, while we calmly build our welfare society, while they struggle with major social problems and friction.
We must stand on our own two feet and who will protect us if war breaks out remains uncertain. We know that Poland, Finland and the Baltic countries have a robustness and a willingness to fight that is probably significantly higher than it is in many other countries.
We must find a European foothold and consensus. It must also be the countries that border Russia that work together to find a peaceful solution to the war between Russia and Ukraine.
It must be a diplomatic effort that is based on wise diplomacy. The two world wars have clearly shown how not to do it.
It is gratifying that so many countries support Ukraine, and it is imperative in the future that the country receives firm security guarantees and massive financial aid to rebuild the country.
On the other hand, we must also pursue a policy towards Russia that makes the country’s general economy and the population know that normal trade relations and cooperation will be reintroduced when the war ends.
Both the Ukrainian and Russian people must feel that the rest of Europe will embrace them and have a close relationship with them and a future stable and good cooperation.
Can a small country be a bridge builder in future peace negotiations?

As a member of the UN Security Council, Denmark can help initiate and plan future peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. A small country can be more dynamic and able to probe which countries will be part of a group of countries that, together with Russia and Ukraine, can begin peace negotiations.
It is the Security Council’s task to maintain international peace and security, and the Council is the only body in the world that can make decisions that are binding on all UN member states.
I have proposed that 16 countries join forces and establish a body under the UN that then travels to Türkiye and invites Russia and Ukraine to introductory meetings and concrete peace negotiations. It can’t be that difficult. Both Russia and Ukraine have repeatedly called for a “negotiating format”.
The model I am referring to is based on the same principle as is used in conflicts in the Danish labor market. This “model” has been tested and is well suited for conflict resolution, also for handling difficult and sensitive military conflicts.

It is imperative to start these negotiations and soundings now. Since the US has been a major contributor to Ukraine, they will also play a significant role in future peace negotiations.
But my idea is that this format that I am talking about is established and anchored in the UN’s auspices. It must be the countries that are most affected and that border Russia that will have an active role in future peace negotiations.
In order for Russia and Ukraine to come to mediation and sit down at the negotiating table, they must be offered some proposals that they can live with and that allow both countries to have a reasonable exit strategy and feel that they get security, peace, stability and future normal economic growth, like other countries in the region or in the rest of Europe.
I have previously tried to come up with some indicative drafts of what the initial negotiations could contain. I know that this is very sensitive and very controversial. This should not be seen as an exhaustive or holistic list. But just a few points that can be expanded and it goes without saying that many significant issues are not illuminated here, but are drafts for the first soundings and negotiations.
Firm security guarantees to Ukraine
Financial support for the reconstruction of the country
Repatriation of refugees and prisoner exchange
Possible UN peacekeeping force
Coexistence on the Crimean Peninsula
Possibly greater autonomy for Donbas within Ukraine’s borders
Possible dual citizenship for residents of Crimea and Donbas
Russia gets special envoys to selected regions in Ukraine
Russia retains its naval base in Crimea – (leasing agreement)
No foreign forces on Ukrainian soil in peacetime
Future energy cooperation in Europe
Future cooperation between Ukraine and the EU
Future cooperation between Russia and the EU
Future trade between Russia and Ukraine (agriculture and energy)
Possible demilitarized zones in Europe
Reopening of the Russian Agricultural Bank
Negotiations on the lifting of sanctions against Russia
Negotiations on future trade and use of SWIFT
Negotiations on the re-establishment of foreign companies in Russia
Negotiations on future visa rules in Europe
The international community must present a scenario and come up with some proposals that hopefully can open up and build bridges, so that the parties see a purpose in coming to a meeting in a possible conciliation institution.
It must be a prospect of solutions that both Russia and Ukraine can live with. We know that neither the Ukrainian nor the Russian people want this conflict.
There is only one way to peace and stability, and that is by instilling hope for a better future in the Russian and Ukrainian people.
Together, we must embrace the people in these two countries and assure them that after the fighting has stopped on the battlefield, we will all help them to return to normal cooperation and trade with the rest of Europe as soon as possible and be able to live and travel freely like all other Europeans, and I hope that I will soon be able to visit both countries. We know that you have the same desire to explore the world and meet other people, therefore it is also important that you once again have the opportunity to feel community, freedom and compassion.