Today marks the 1000th day since the tragic conflict between Russia and Ukraine began. Every day this war continues, it deepens divisions, exacerbates human suffering, and increases global tensions.
The war has had devastating consequences for millions of people. Countless lives have been lost on both sides. Every day, innocent people lose their lives or loved ones. Ending the conflict can save countless lives and prevent further tragedy. Over 14 million people have been displaced from their homes. Many live as refugees in foreign countries, with no certainty of when, or if, they can ever return. A peace agreement can restore their hope and the possibility of returning to a normal life.
The country has been devastated by attacks, with cities like Mariupol and Bakhmut reduced to ruins. Peace is a prerequisite for rebuilding the country and restoring infrastructure for millions of Ukrainians. The war has caused energy crises, rising food prices, and economic instability worldwide. Ending the conflict can stabilize markets and reduce pressure on the world’s most vulnerable economies. Children growing up during this war carry trauma and loss with them for life. Ending the war offers a chance for peace and normalcy for future generations in both Ukraine and Russia.
This war has created a dangerous geopolitical situation and increased the risk of the conflict escalating into a global conflict. Diplomacy and peace are necessary to avoid a broader crisis.
When the war between Russia and Ukraine is over, we must reassess our trade and security policies. We must pursue a comprehensive policy in all areas, signaling clearly to the Russian people and government that we have no plans to isolate them. We must pursue a far more inclusive policy that leads to stability, growth, and harmony in Europe. It is only through trade and interaction with people on an equal footing that we can achieve lasting peace and stability.
To create a lasting peace, we must avoid an excessive focus on the threat of Russian expansion and instead create a framework for mutual respect and dialogue. It is also crucial to address the specific sensitivities in the relationship between Russia and Ukraine without justifying the invasion. Rebuilding trust between nations requires diplomacy that is nuanced and open to compromise.
To create a lasting peace, Europe must rethink its approach to Russia. Without a significant diplomatic push, the Ukrainian and Russian people will suffer even more. In future negotiations, geopolitical issues, including border control, demilitarized zones, minority rights, and future trade, must also be included.
The Ukrainian and Russian people have suffered enough. It is time to find a negotiated solution. We must begin rebuilding Ukraine and re-establish normal trade relations in Europe. If this does not happen, it will be very difficult to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine.
It is also time to establish a Conciliation Institution that can mediate between Russia and Ukraine. We sympathize with the Ukrainian people, and if peace is to be achieved, both countries must make concessions and compromises, even though it may be very emotionally difficult for the Ukrainian government and people to do so at this time. However, the advantage is that it will save many lives and allow for the rapid reconstruction of the country. Turkey has expressed a strong desire to host future peace talks.
It is necessary for several countries to dedicate time and resources to concrete and constructive negotiations, and to activate their diplomats for future peace talks. Turkey has expressed a strong desire to host the peace talks.
There is no doubt that if lasting peace and stability are to be achieved in Europe, both countries must feel that they have gained something from a peace agreement. There must be an exit strategy for the countries.
Ukraine must be assured of its security and receive concrete guarantees for how it will finance the reconstruction of the country. The Russian government must be assured that the ethnic Russian minority in Donbas will have a form of government that ensures peace and stability in the region. Russia must be assured that it can use its naval base and the part of the Crimean peninsula that it has leased. Russia must be assured that there will be no foreign soldiers/troops on Ukrainian soil in peacetime. At the same time as all sanctions against Russia are lifted, new concrete trade agreements will be drawn up between European countries, the US, and Russia.
This conflict is a never-ending spiral, with daily military escalation that is unsustainable for Europe and the countries involved. The Ukrainian and Russian people have suffered enough. It is time to find a negotiated solution and normalize relations in Europe.
Every day this conflict continues, it costs lives – not only soldiers but also civilians. It is easy to give up faith in diplomacy, especially in a conflict as entrenched as this one. Only by bringing together the world’s best diplomats, experts, and leaders can we hope to lay the foundation for a lasting peace.
Peace and reconciliation require the courage to think differently, abandon old patterns, and choose dialogue over confrontation. Let us put our words into action and work for a future where Russia and the rest of Europe cooperate as equal partners.
If Ukraine agrees to solutions that involve greater autonomy for Donbas and a leasing agreement with Russia for Crimea, and agrees that there should be no foreign troops on Ukrainian soil in peacetime, while also receiving the necessary security guarantees from selected countries, and if a solution is found to finance the reconstruction of Ukraine, then the way is paved for a possible positive outcome to the conflict. Here, both the US, China, and other major nations must also be active players.”
1000 Gode Grunde til at Afslutte Krigen Mellem Rusland og Ukraine – 1000 Dage med Konflikt
I dag markerer vi en tragisk milepæl: 1000 dage siden krigen mellem Rusland og Ukraine begyndte den 24. februar 2022. Krigen har haft ødelæggende konsekvenser for millioner af mennesker, regionen og verden som helhed. Her er 1000 gode grunde til, hvorfor denne krig skal afsluttes. Opdateres.
1. For menneskelivets skyld
Krigen har kostet tusindvis af liv på begge sider. Hver dag, krigen fortsætter, mister uskyldige mennesker deres liv eller deres kære. En afslutning på konflikten kan redde utallige liv og forhindre yderligere tragedier.
2. For de millioner af fordrevne familier
Over 14 millioner mennesker er blevet fordrevet fra deres hjem. Mange lever som flygtninge i fremmede lande, uden vished om, hvornår – eller om – de nogensinde kan vende hjem. En fredsaftale kan genoprette deres håb og mulighed for at vende tilbage til et normalt liv.
3. For at genopbygge Ukraine
Landet er blevet ødelagt af angreb, hvor byer som Mariupol, Kharkiv og Bakhmut er blevet omdannet til ruiner. Fred er en forudsætning for at genopbygge landet og genskabe infrastrukturen for millioner af ukrainere.
4. For at afslutte de globale økonomiske konsekvenser
Krigen har forårsaget energikriser, stigende fødevarepriser og økonomisk ustabilitet verden over. Afslutningen på konflikten kan stabilisere markederne og reducere presset på verdens mest sårbare økonomier.
5. For de kommende generationers skyld
De børn, der vokser op under denne krig, bærer traumer og tab med sig hele livet. En afslutning på krigen giver en chance for fred og normalitet for kommende generationer i både Ukraine og Rusland.
6. For at bevare verdensfreden
Denne krig har skabt en farlig geopolitisk situation og øget risikoen for, at konflikten kan eskalere til en global konflikt. Diplomati og fred er nødvendige for at undgå en bredere krise.